Friday, June 28, 2013

friday breeze

hey, peeps!

it's friday! and it's june 28th already??!! woahhh
ramadhan is around the corner!!
you can always practise ramadhan by fasting this month.. or even since last month (rejab).
don't just practise on eating delicious stuff haa. lolx

yeah i know i don't put much of my daughter's photo in my fb.
may be sekeping ke, dua keping i forgot.
i didn't even create an fb photo album for her!! (well at least i should put 3-10 photos of ariana there.. for event photos purpose). because i'm not the kind of person who upload my daughter's photo everyday on fb.
ada orang yang enjoy letak ratus-ratus photo anak, well i'm not ;) but it's their rights to put their children's photo, so what :)

but in emp street blog, i will put her photo(s) occasionally; ikut my occasion. i.e : anytime. haha

this is ariana today; on her 25th day seeing the world. wee hoo, ariana!!

the super cute romper, thanks to elia who bought this for her. elia even bought five i think!

yosh. vanity since a little child (super cute printed outfit shouts 'i'm supercute!!'). fuahaha *lightning*
and the cute little booties are from durra. thanks, dear!!

finally i had this chicken kebab today! ngeh heh.


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