Monday, June 06, 2022

my june's wish list

assalamualaikum and hi! :)

it's june and it's celebration month! 

my schedule was almost crazy, doing this and that.
just got some time to share my june's wish list *yay!* so here goes.


1. A simple, purely bedsheet in Queen.

(a) AKEMI Tencel (Acrefee/Lenciss/Sildeben)

(b) AKEMI Adore Cotton Select (Rophica/Winneta/Hugan


2. Western Digital External Hard Disk (any models, black/white) - i was thinking of buying this to store my medias, as my Cloud Home is broken due to flood. all the memories captured were shattered with the flood. but hey, life goes on.

3. Novel Hikayat Allerednic by Elvroseth - The novel is not released yet, but will be soon. I think the pre-order will be opened at the author's IG or FB.

4. Naelofar's Sumaya Sejadah in Blush Pink - I've been eyeing for this sejadah for quite a while. In fact, I've been eyeing all of the above's wish list and will buy them someday, insyaAllah. It's just that I have other priorities to settle first and leaving these wish list hanging. haha. so i just put em on the wishlist lah. no harm.

5. Physicians Formula Rose Argan Wear Blush - Loove love PF's products but I think since Covid, PF's Malaysia is not around anymore. But some products are still there at Shopee or Lazada.

6. Pokoks - Haha yeahh i love pokoks (plants). My wish list goes to aesthetic plants that i like, e.g eucalyptus, majesty palm, olive tree, rubber plant, fiddle leaf fig or birds of paradise. I just bought a small yucca plant last time, love it ^^


7. Touch Art Marker Pen 

8. Wireless Mini Keyboard (For Android TV) - Just because mine is broken. Haha. I don't mind any model, as long as it works. The most affordable, around belas-belas ringgit at Shopee.


9. Solar Power Bank - Mine is broken too. Yeah I usually buy things when the old ones are broken. Hihi

I saw this Pineng's solar at Shopee, around MYR55.

last time i had this one, the military style. This powerbank is water resistant *love*

10. Durians - Or perhaps you guys can show me some love by treating me durians. lolx. i remember buying this king fruit as a birthday present to my brother. hahaa. what an odd present, aight :DD

i'm more into IOI and kampung kahwin. lolx.
MK is also okay, but i love IOI or red prawn even more :P


11. SCARF/TUDUNG - Shawls or instant double-loops are my usuals. IDK really much how to don a square bawal. I do, but seldom. I don't have any brand preference, as long as it's comfy and affordable.

12. HOUSE DECO STUFF - Any aesthetic deco stuff, range from white to pastel colors. I dig stuff from Ikea and Kaison. or anything that resembles those brands.

13. NOVELS - Since I might have bought most novels from my favourite authors, here are what's not on the rack yet:
Rissa Ahdiya - Bulan Henti Bicara, Kerana Hati Telah Berjanji, Biar Rindu Penuhi Langit (2022)
Elvroseth - Elliyah (e-book)

14. GADGETS - i'm more into gadgets than handbags. lolx.
currently using samsung s21. smart LED view cover (pink).
other gadgets: thumb drive, car magnetic phone holder, i appreciate AAA and AA batteries too! batteries are an awesome gift. i love airwheel but they're too expensive.

15. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - electric steamer. if steamer is expensive, egg steamer is awesome too.. lolx. loong extension wire/plug! that's great oso.

16. GARMENTS/SHOES - never receive a garment prezzie before. but if anyone want to, i wear S sized outfits, 5 or 37 shoes size.

17. ANYTHING WITH SCENT - be it perfumes, shower gels, scented candles, etc. etc., i love fruity or sweet scent. not into strong, musky scent. sweet scent examples; berries, sugus, honey dew, apple, watermelon and the list goes on.

18. ANYTHING WITH COLOR - pastels, grey, off white/beige, black.

19. FOOD - Into savory food more than sweet one. i do eat cakes, but less sugary ones like baker's cottage cakes or only a slice of secret recipe's. or the one my friend faiz azra baked. her butter cake is delish. NO gula cakery cakes, plz. i tasted them once, it's suuuper sweet. or any cakes that has the same sugary level like gula cakery.
i love food from Serai, 4fingers, Mek Nor nasi dagang dengkil, Ayam Penyet Surabaya, Wong Solo. and i have mild allergic to seafood (can eat, but i prefer not to.. due to my tiny allergics). if anyone's thinking of buying me food as prezzies. i super appreciate it too ^^

20. HANDMADES - i also appreciate hand mades; cards, gifts, pop-ups, anything. it's cost effective and has sentimental values.

i think 20 is already enough.
just to give my closest ones a glimpse recommendations if they have zero ideas what to buy. lolx
but just as a disclaimer, this is not a MUST WISH LIST.
i don't expect anything from anyone, anyone is not bound to buy me anything, okay. *except my husband. you better prep something HAHA JK! no not JK :DDD*

ok. think that's all about it.

thanks for having some patience to read this till the end. haha


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