Wednesday, July 07, 2021

pemergian ayah

assalamualaikum and hi!

my father in law just passed away last night,
6 july 2021 (tuesday), 9.35pm (i think), and it's 25 zulakedah 1442H.

we're still on EMCO (enhanced movement control order / PKPD),
whereas no one can go anywhere unless with police's permit.

we received call from hometown around 10pm,
went to the police station to get permit around 10.30pm,
reached hometown around 11.

gloominess surrounded the home.
family and close friends dropped by that night with facemasks and sorrow.
recited yasin and prayer for late ayah.
mak couldn't hold it, sometimes she cried, sometimes she looked okay.
she told us, she felt like she just want to run away.
nothing i could do than just consoled her.

i remember, i slept around 12 m.d. that night.



some might wonder the cause of death.
no it's not because of the evil covid.
(al-Fatihah to my sister in law (durra)'s dad, who just passed away the day before, 5th july monday, due to covid. keep strong, SIL. Allah is always with you).

ayah's been coughing for quite a while.
and recently when he checked up on it,
there were infections in his lungs, spreaded to the kidney,
suspected of colon and lung cancer, wallahu a'lam.

but ayah didn't make it for CTscan yet.
so when the police report was made,
they wrote it there: sakit tua (old age).

ayah was hospitalized around 10 days,
when he went back home from hospital around 5pm yesterday,
before shortness of breath at night.

so yeah that's the whole story that i know.


the next morning,
people started to come around 8++.
some brought food,
because we didn't do cooking at home.

alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly.

i just pray for Allah to bless ayah with His rahmat,
and grant ayah Jannah. aamiin.

اَللهُمَّ اغْفِرْلَهُ وَارْحَمْهُ وَعَافِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنْهُ

rest well, ayah.

allahyarham Nordin bin Wagiman in memories.

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