(yes sy pakai spek.. on certain time je HAHA)
1. bile main komputer
2. bile drive malam2 (siang pon cam malas nak pakai.. boleh?) :PP
and contact lenses are wayyy out of my reach.
maka sy headache kejap pagi td sebab dr semalam pakai komputer secara excessivenye without using my glasses.. boahaha T_T
benci ah xde spek :B
seems like tag kat bawah ni, yang sy da buat ni *refer2* :P ..alif ada tag sy b4 this, tapi sy xsedarkan diri hahaa (sorry alif T_T)
and i will answer question no 15 utk alif. hehe
[obviously ni pasal alif :b like i dun noe him that long, so this one from observation. hoho :P]
1) pemuzik handalan, in a band x]
2) rambut dia panjang (musician=long hair)
3) ske tangkap gambar kawan2 dengan pakai spek besar.. hahaa4) time skool dlu dia main ragbi
5) dia ada suka someone (prolly frm myspace) tapi sy xtau siapa.. hehe
so there goes. i did my tag!
hahaha...dah lama ke ko tggalkan spek ko?aku rase sejak masuk bachelor ko da xpakai kan?
ada lah pakai. kite kan invisible, manade orang perasan HAHA
aku bkn pemuzik handalan r...poyo je lebeh tu...setakat men biase2 tu bleh r...adergh...
eh xpe alif, ayat tu doa.. ahax.
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