Friday, June 20, 2008

1mo day peeps

1 more day to chaotic celebration

*smbil bentang surat khabar, duduk bersila & makan roti canai*
(yeah right~) :P

hari ni birthday edwan, the cook/photography/ice cream guy *hehe*. andddd let me shout this :

u go get some ice cream cakes! xD


noe why i put the above pic?
sebab lagi sehari birthday sy AHAHA
sebab birthday sy = hari skateboard sedunia xPP
esok, to those yang ada skateboard and all tu, silakan pergi shah alam pagi2 buta at 8am camtu (rasanya depan dataran kat library tu) cuz they'll be having this sort of.. jom skate stuff.

basically korang kena skate dr dataran tu sampai extreme park section 13.
kalau xde skateboard, u can walk, jog or cycle. (for families)
it's for the environment.
and skating.. fo sho skater boys will be flooding the area.. miahhahaaa >:]
(like adakah sy akan bangun awal2 nak pergi situ?? lolx)

no i just promote.


oh oh i got the prezzie frm my dad oredy.


bEn said...

huh?? optimus prime melakukan flip di tepi cup cake..sgt cool siot!! **yahh!! go prime go**

wani ezryl * said...

prime sudah tuka profession.. wahaha :P