Friday, June 06, 2008

a non-shameless request :P

15 more days to chaotic celebration

"biarkan sy menguasai hadiah2 ni!!"

15 hari lagi weyh :P

to family & close friends *i never expect a prezzie from acquaintances, cuz i believe they dun bother to spend their money on me wahaha. wth la kn xkisah la hehe*, kalau korang xtau nak belikan apa (wahaha sunggoh shameless mintak hadiah kat sni, but i dun feel shameful to mintak since i GAVE PREZZIES to my fams every freakin' celebrations we had okkk i deserve a gift lolx) :PP ..u can always consider :

1-set of colors. i need magic colors or so. or colorful quality drawing pens. heheh.
2-shower me with cards. if it's handmade, u'r the best! AHAHA (ecards are ok too. sy xmemilih lahh) :P -->
3-this goes to my family :: i NEED a casio digital alarm clock. the one that we saw in the shop *crazy wink* xD
4-i also need a 0.3black pilot pen. sy punya sudah hilang. harga dia rm6 je.. so.. yeah.. :b
astroMax, gps and ps3 are wayyy to expensive so i wont ask for that. lolx.

5-i wanna watch forgetting sarah marshal, sape2 yg ada dvd pirate tu.. nak! :PP

dats all lah. i'm easy to pleased, huh? wahaha kelakar je.
of course i welcome mo and mo surprise gifts walaupun setiap tahun hadiahnya memang less than 10units, so i dun expect big. just ur thoughts. ;]

"yah! yah! panjat!!"


Iz said...

ko dah terlambat.. kalau ko bagitau bulan 5 haritu, aku mmg hadiahkan ko Astromax.. betul nii..

Astro biasa takmo?

wani ezryl * said...

hahh benarkah ko ada astromax? *smbil ambik kipas dan kipas2 iz dgn nyamannya ahahaa* :PP tp knp pulak da terlambat? ko kasi org len ke? aa tidakkk. xde, kalau dpt astromax for rm200 pun da boleh. ade x? [astromax pirate? lolx <--semua brg pun nk beli pirate. dasar kedekut] xDD

astro xnak da. tp kalau astro dgn astromax, nak. hahaha.

Iz said...

haritu ade promotion install astromax RM50 je ok.. dpt satu set semua yg baru termasuk kuali astro tu skali.. so aku pasang ah kat umah aku.. haha.. kalau ko ckp awal2 haritu, bleh la aku hadiahkan Astromax sempena bday ko.. tu la sape suh lambat??? hahahahahahaa