Tuesday, June 12, 2018

meeting his Creator

assalamualaikum & hi everyone.

abah has passed on and meeting his Creator, last friday, 8 june 2018 (23 ramadan 1439H), at 2.20am.
it was a gloomy morning for us, but a beautiful journey for abah.

mama told us the day before (thursday), that abah's condition was worsen and he couldn't eat or sip anything anymore.
i went back to shah alam at night, slept at the living room on the couch with mama.
abah was also there on his bed.
faliq stayed at night, then went back to his home for a while.
around 2am, mama woke up to perform her ibadah (i was sleeping, thinking of waking up at 3).
suddenly i heard mama called me, so i went to the bedside with her.
she felt his chest and the heartbeat was getting slower.
we both recited surah al-mu'minun, 115 as told by an ustaz. i continued till the end ayat, 118.
right after the ayat, abah suddenly woke up (it was a miracle of al-Quran, really), and that was the time when we taught abah syahadah.
he didn't remember things because of his brain cancer,
but miraculously he woke up and his mouth was saying Allah, his forehead was sweaty and then he just passed calmly seconds after that.

mama was preparing abah.
i called faliq and harith (in penang).
they came right after.
harith reached shah alam on subuh.

i remembered the signs of husnul khatimah and i touched abah's forehead.
top of his forehead was still sweaty.
i was actually overflowing deep inside, it really did open my eyes.
yes i was sad, but the same time reda and happy for abah, for meeting Allah in the best way; on friday, the last 10 nights of ramadan.
the sky that morning was calm and cloudy. no sun, no rain either.
family, neighbours, masjid people and friends came to visit; at our house, at masjid and the Islamic cemetery.

i would like to express my heartfelt thank you to everyone with their doa, kind words and also to ones who'r visiting.
hanya Allah dapat membalasnya.

at the cemetery. many people came to visit. we as family, really thank you for the thought and kind gesture :')

the process was fast and smooth, since the masjid people were getting ready for solat jumaat afterwards.
i didn't know it's 'canggih' now, they have cranes to cover the grave (hole).
so it really took just a few minutes to finished.

this is us on the third day, visiting in the morning. still gloomy on my face, but abaikanlah. lolx

abah was indeed a very kind and generous person.
he loved to go to masjid for jemaah, even when he's on a walking stick (tongkat).
he's a giver; he always give, donate and help his family and other people.
and most importantly, his faith to Allah is really high, even mama used to say "kita orang-orang biasa ni takkan faham." lolx
he used to told me about Allah and zat Allah, which i still try to understand until now.
he told us about qada' and qadar all the time, so this time, it's destined and we're letting abah go in a good way.

you will be missed very much, abah.
thank you for all the wonderful years with us :)
may Allah grant you Jannah and blessed you with his rahmat. aamiin.


Farid said...

Takziah Wani and family. Alhamdulillah, tanda2 husnul khotimah.. InsyaAllah arwah bersama hamba2Nya y soleh

Anonymous said...

Salam, takziah. for the past 5/6 years following your stories, i can feel the loss. Semoga semua urusan arwah dipermudahkan. Amin

kesh said...

Be strong wani...well wishes for ur family esp. Ur mother... May ur abah grant with jannah n eternal bliss. Alfatihah. Innalillah.

wani ezryl * said...

tq semua; farid, anon & kesh for the doa, thoughts and wish. aamiin YRA.
sorry baru buka komen blogger ni.. sebab setting dashboard dah lain berbanding dulu, selalulah terlupa nak tengok ruangan komen.