Friday, February 29, 2008

another sickening sensation

juz forget the fact tha i'm sick.
we went out for shirt shopping! and kitorg semua squeeze masuk rmai2 dlm fitting room tu >:D see my face? i looked sick, did i?

being at sect9 is always a pleasure.
u can find the hottest dudes here.
and to live here, whoo sgt best okayh. the 'not so best' thing is the nama jalan. freakin long!
i was wondering how those kids isi borang masuk univ or apply ptptn or scholarship dgn nm jln mcm.. 'Jalan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah'.. wahaha. da la kne isi multiple copies! u may cramped ur hand along the process :P

tonight gonna b the final for OIAM.
which i think i prolly not watching cuz i wanna watch other show. wahaha *guess it*
but i'm rooting for shila. the other two; hm let's just say sarah xcukup fans and ayu juz not ready yet. *but who knows wut'll happen, ryte?*
eh btw did u noe tha 'rooting' for australians means f*cking? lolx. words are accepted in weird ways in some countries, huh.

ok. pengsan now.

leap year. tday is the proof

lahh i almost forgot this year is actually the leap year!! xD

i figured out tha tday is the 29th of february when i saw the date in my phone at midnight.. wah haha. so much of ignorance :P

i forgot the actual way to count leap year.. shud b divided by 400 then u get the zero modulo or sumthin gee i hate maths. just say that leap years hv 4years gap. kn senang :P

alamak the O.C da start. later. x]

Thursday, February 28, 2008

chain emails

hari ni sy sakit *sambil menjulang ubat2an tinggi ke udara sebagai bahan bukti*

jd instead of talking abt my sickful day, sy nk ckp psl the ppl. anyone. anyone yg terlibat.


since bertahun2 gunakan internet ni, sy slalu received chain emails. bygkan a kalau zmn dlu2 time internet xfamous, betapa sesaknya inbox dpn rumah dgn surat2 berantai yg sape2 ntah rajin photostate pastu pos kat rumah *yahh gr8.. da lebih 20surat sy dpt time tu*

back to this chain emails, di sni nk disertakan cth2 jenis chain emails/e-msges yg terlibat && sometimes, annoys some ppl pastu ridiculous gle pulak tu.

1. msg yg ckp bill gates nk share wealth dia dgn sape2 yg fwdkan msg itu.
dude, org kaya suka menambahkan kekayaan dia. dia xkan share duit dia dgn ko. lgpun dia xtau account number ko. kalau bjuta2 org fwd msg pastu dpt duit, bangkrap la dia weyh.

2. msg yg berunsur agama pastu kalau fwd akan dpt keberkatan.
xtau la nk categorizekan ni bwh syirik ke x. i mean mmg bagus fwd hal2 keagamaan tp siap bitau kalau fwd dpt ni la, dpt tu la.. mcm da terpesong je. terpesong, muhd adif, terpesong! *smbil buat gaya telunjuk mak adif dlm dunia baru :P*

3. msg yg mcm "sila skroll.." "ok sila skroll lg.." "ok skroll lg sikiiittt je lg" (mcm b*ngang :P) pastu last2 suh fwd utk dptkan cinta dlm ms 3hari.
trylah. duduk kat satu tmpt terpencil selama 3hari. kalau msg camni betul2 berkesan, may b cinta ko tu akan dtg walaupun ko kat tmpt terpencil *try bertapa kat tandas..* :b

4. msg yg suh pejam mata pastu buat hajat *org2 tamak hajat mmg akan pejam mata lama2 smbil senyum2 sendiri* :P then kalau fwd kat 100juta org dlm ms 30minit, hajat tu semua akan tercapai.
even ko fwd kat the whole universe pun, kalau ko buat hajat aneh2 mcm "oh ok2 aku berhajat heidi klum/pamela anderson dtg rumah aku esok" <-- cth hajat seorang bdk lelaki naif :P* ataupun "sy berhajat krew2 XTREME makeover dtg rumah esok &repair muka sy yg mcm selipar ni, lalu muka sy akan jd xtreme lawa keesokan harinya" a hundred gazillion bazillion percent hajat tu xmungkin tercapai!

5. msg yg kne fwdkan kat kwn2. pastu kalau kite dpt balik msg tu dlm 10unit ke.. maknanya kita ni disayangi *bukn kat internet je, sms pun sm :P*
yelah kalau kwn2 ko xfwd balik kat ko, maknanya selama ni diorg mmg benci ko. ko je xtau.



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

mngantox no mood

hey2. i was headache-ic and sleepy-ish tday.
like.. totally no mood for everything. haha.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

all abt biskot

sbb x tertanggong nk cuci berak kencing lantai hari2, maka sy telah membuat keputusan utk mbeli litter tray dgn pasir (xtau la tiruan ke x) utk kasi biskot, si anak kucing ni membuat businessnya :P

surprisingly, si biskot ni fhm bhs dan mula mbuat segala urusniaganya kat atas tray tu :P

cara cuci 'brg2' adalah senang bangat, sbb dia punya pee & poo melekat kat pasir pastu dgn magicnya jd keras, da boleh terus cedok & buang! *muka kagum*

ada gmbr brg2 hasil buangan, tp xyah la tunjuk kat sni.
mn tau kot2 korg tgh bc blog ni smbil mkn kee.... HAHAHA

pasir tu berharga dlm RM13+ satu pek. bsr jugaklah pek dia.
(sakit tgn hangkut)

bwh ni gmbr2 yg disnap smlm.
biskot yg bulat. lol.

awwww~ xP

bwh ni plak gmbr langsir baru gwe yg biasa2 je.
bilik sy skang jg gelap gelita mcm muzium.. hahaa. tp cozy nk mamP.


gameshow that gives you cash

wahh smlm tak on9! rekod2!! *bg seorang net freak mcm sy ahaha* xP

smlm ada org dtg tebuk dinding sbb nk install curtain rail in my bedroom, so bilik tu mcm habuk gle then kne bersihkan &ended up mopped the whole 1st floor.
tp langsir xpsg lg. sj nk open-view, suh jiran2 tgk aktiviti2 sy lolx *padahal malas. tday la kot pasang. lalala malas malas lalalaaa* :P

lm gle crave nk pkai tab curtain (sarung terus kat rail instead of pkai cangkuk). nnti la da siap gwe tangkapin gambarnya kemudian gwe post. lolx

oh yah smlm ada cutey naek swift bjalan bsama2 dgn sy hahaha *pdhl kebetulan sm2 baru left parking nk masuk dlm mall.. cetts* :P


wah HAHA ini sgt sgt kelakar!!
it's d 1st time in my life, i saw someone won 10cent in a gameshow!! :DD *jhtnya gelakkan org.. wani stop it.. hahaa :P*
walaupun korg xtgk gameshow tu, tp sy nk crite jugak.
this chinese girl ckp nk menang 100k *d highest amount in the game* sbb nk bwk fam dia semua visit kakak dia kat US *pdhl nk bitau kakak dia tinggal kat US lolx* but she looked like a nice girl, w/ nice fam.. kesian pulak last2 tu when wut she chose was 10cent. kesian smbil ketawa. *akhhhh pemikiran jht! jht!* 8P

seronok tgk gameshow tu, sbb ada byk jenis org.
last wik je ada sorg mamat ni berlagak tinggal kat US for how many years? 8? last2 menang sikit je 8D
and a pilot yg sgt handsome mcm angkasawan negara *but he's indian, believe it* tp wife dia pulak bising2 mcm dia pulak yg main.
ada jugak yg eksyen2 "ohh tha amount is not even close to my salary".. amboii eksyennya! :P

the highest yg org menang so far, 50k. 50k byk tu~ x]

Thursday, February 21, 2008

about flirting pretty girls

situasi keluarga berkumpul.
rmai2 keliling our mom kat dlm bilik.
ok ok it's my brother's tutor's wedding invitation card..
..tha supposely going to happen in perlis! lolx

mom : wahh jauhnya, kasi hadiah je la kat dia (talking to faliq)

me : (kept wondering the bridegroom's name) rizat? ni combination rizal dgn izat yeh?

mom : lawa x dia?

faliq : alah biasa2 je.

me : (laugh)

mom : kalau lawa da lama faliq ngorat (teasing). lelaki suka mengorat perempuan2 cantik *sumthin like tha, i forgot the actual phrase :P*

me : (laugh even more) apa pulak, ma. just leave them alone (referring to the pretty girls), they need some space!

mom : alah diorg mmg suka kne ngorat pun.

HAHAHA. so r u pretty & love 2b flirted? >:P

bubblegum sneakers

fohh nasib baik!!
td kucing gwe si carpet dgn anak dia [yg kitorg bg nm 'biskut'] lepak2 kat living room.
pastu carpet tdo.
si biskut ni pulak jln2 kat persisiran karpet *ni karpet yg betul* smbil bau2.
lps bau dia mcm duduk still kat kwsn tu.
pastu me kacau a dia, letak business card sape ntah bwh punggung dia. mcm suspect + kata hati *ahaha* yg dia nk membuang *at least tahi dia jatuh atas business card tu, bukan atas karpet lol*
dia belah lg ke dpn, cium2 karpet tu pastu duduk still lg.
xboleh jd, kne bertindak! walaupun tu cuma instinct, me terus tarik dia bwk pegi blakang; port dia berak :P
yahhh tepat skali! dia terus ke kwsn biasa &menghamburkan whiskers yg dia mkn td. aparaa punya anak kucing. xtau kebersihan mcm mak ko yg pembersih itu. :P


nama dude ni, michael johns.
dia sgt talented & suara dia totally rockin'.
he's my fave in american idol, selain drp si 17 tahun david archuleta cutey. hahaha.

ini view drp freezer kat dapur.
like.. how the hell those ice creams can fit in there??

fave sy : peppermint choc chip. pergi mn2 pun mmg pesan ice cream ni no 1.
kalau xde baru pesan vanilla or strawberry ;]

ok senaman jari hari ni tamattt!! :D

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i'm spoiling the last eps

went back frm servicing the car. well not really since they din hv the parts and hafta order first.
td pergi perodua bonceng scoot. makdatokk helmet berat gle i felt like my head going to fall! hahaha. then off to tesco for some shopping.
ada pulak org jual nasi dgn kari dlm pek?? wahh ini sudah canggih :P
[sape2 nk pergi melancong oversea tu bolehlah bwk nasi kari dlm pek ni.. lolx]

am going to tell you something.
a spoiler.
prison break season 3 final smpai eps 13 je!! bahh!! T_T
and xtau whether diorg nk smbung season4 or not. diorg ckp da enuff buat crite ni. tak.. we want mo!!

i'm writing the spoiler now.
jd kpd sape2 yg nk tau camne finale dia, silakan drag perenggan kat bwh :

ok dr eps 11, diorg da gali gali tunnel semua and eps 12 da berjaya keluar.
-org2 yg nk keluar: lechero[ketua pnjht dlm penjara], t-bag, bellick, mahone, scoffield, james whistler[dia ni penyebab scoffield prison break sbb The Company tgkp gf & anak sedara scoffield, ugut dia spy keluarkan james dr penjara tu], and sorg lg yg ikut adalah sorg bdk remaja, mcGrady.
-semua berjaya keluar kecuali lechero, t-bag dgn bellick kne tgkp balik. lechero siap kne tembak.
-scoffield dgn abang dia, Linc pun buat pertukaran james whistler-LJ[anak sedara scoff] ni dgn si pompuan jht bernama gretchen[wakil The Company]. gf scoffield, sara awal2 da mati kne bunuh dgn gretchen.. kepala dia taruk dlm kotak, pos kat Linc.
-sucre[time tu dia da bebas kat luar] yg tolg scoffield utk prison break, telah disumbat balik dlm penjara atas sbb yg pjg utk diceritakan. kire dia masuk penjara sona pulak lah.
-lechero mati dibunuh t-bag, teknik bantal-lemas :P
-bdk remaja mcGrady dibawak bpk dia jumpa family kat 1 kwsn yg tertutup. dia happy dpt main basketball balik & bersama2 dgn fam dia.
-scoffield dpt balik anak sedara dia.
-scoffield dpt msg drp sara sblum mati. dia skang tgh nk mburu gretchen sbb nk bls dendam.

so dats how it ends :P

kat muzium ms nk buat 'pertukaran'.
si gretchen adalah pompuan jht di sebelah kiri :P

sudah lapar. ciao dlu ;]

af6 host

oryte. so the new pengacara af6 is AC mizal.
we'r like.. watching the announcement show yesterday, and it's raining heavily *tau2 je lah astro suka 'balik rumah' kalau hujan camtu* :P
so me, in a teasing way said, "hahaha lps ni mesti.. diumumkan, pengacaranya adalah.. PAP! tv hitam."
and i was right after all.
right b4 we cud noe who's the chosen host, tiba2 je time2 tu jugaklah tv gelap-gelita. xde signal. sykes u kill my almost 30mins excitement. u cruel :P

i was hoping for other person to be the af6 host, but w-d-heck, i dun prejudge.
jd tgk la dlu best ke x AC hostkan konsert anddd sarimah hostkan diari+debat. alamak mesti jd mcm 'fail sulit'. not my fave actually.

i dunno bout the contestants, but hope they'r all ok.
i juz detest org2 tua *ok ok xlaa tua sgt, but the ones who almost forty.. singing.. aaa isn't it too late for you?* lps tu tgk auditions, thse women & men cuden really nail it *as wut paula abdul said.. haha* ataupun astro xtunjuk the talented ones at the beginning, sj nk buat surprise? haha well i dunno. juz wait.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

suddenly this is a gossip section :P

happy selasa.
hari ni xde benda best pun nk cerita.
sj taip2 sbb nk buat senaman. [ahahaa]

it's a bit old news, tp encik edison chen kite yg cute itu telah kerosakan laptop. maka diapun hntr laptop dia pergi kedai. after that tiba2 tersebar gmbr2 sex dia dgn artis2 perempuan chinese yg len. perkara ni menyebabkan encik nicholas tse pulak bcerai dgn wife dia gillian chung yg jugak kebetulan *kebetulan? yah, right :P* ada skali dlm skandal gmbr2 itu.
moral of the story, kalau rs ada gmbr2 xmunasabah dlm laptop, jgn hntr kedai. sila beli buku repairing laptop full of crap-photos for dummies, ataupun buang je lah laptop tu :P

oh btw edison chen adalah mamat dlm initial D the movie, yg jd ryosuke takahashi.

from box, to blog

juz ignore my voice.. lolx.


Monday, February 18, 2008

fcannon on tv

guess who's on the 8tv quickie show last night?

fcannon yeahx!!

they'r so crazy, mann. love them <3

hungerness is killing me

did my electoral roll check.
now i can vote.. wah hahaa~

Saturday, February 16, 2008

amazing race asia 2 rocks

duhh wani ezryl sungguh lmbt membuat review.. hahaha.

so it comes to an end. finally.

i always enjoy leg-racing and doing tasks and getting lost yada yada.
cuz it's exciting & entertaining at the same time :P

and the WINNER of our amazing race asia season 2....
toktoktok tok tok *sound of a broken gendang* :P

adrian and collin!! frm spore!

diorg bukn la fave team sy. fave team sy kat bwh ni haa *refer.. refer.. :P*
oh well sgt bagus mak si adrian[kanan] ni belikan dia buku flag dunia ms dia kecik. it helped a lot on their winning. think they deserve it sbb dah work hard &all. walaupun adrian kurg pendengaran, tp tu bukanlah flaw sgt. buktinya duit 100k dollar yg diorg menang tu.. wuhou!!

ni fave team sy. pamela & vanessa chong. adik-beradik vince.. hoho.
sy support diorg not juz bcuz they'r frm my country, tp diorg mmg tough competitor. yg buat spoil adalah diorg suka sesat.. hahaha *mcm sy*. part2 buat task semua mmg diorg laju. tahniah2 dpt no 2! best gle a you girls!!

ni dia 3rd place.. fave sy jugak; marc & rovilson!! [philippines] yays! *claps*
diorg kelakar & gila, made the race a fun game for us to watch.. haha. pastu selalu smpai 1st kat pitstops, menang mcm2.. sony camcorders je da brape byk diorg menang. ms final tu pun diorg da boleh menang, tp nasib xbaik sbb xhafal bendera.. lolx. tu la time kelas geografi pergi keluar mengorat girls kelas sebelah.. :P
w-ever it is, you guys are awesome!!

maka tamat sudah amazing race asia season ni.
jumpa lg season dpn!
[oh ye borang ARasia season3 da keluar. sape2 nk masuk, cpt2 jgn lupa!] :P

tagged survey PART TWO

tagging game PART2
[beware.. this is loooong. lol]

Have you ever
Lied - yahh white lies :P
Stole something - nope. xmo mati jd pencurii lolx.
Smoked - nope. wahh i'm so not exciting, eh? :P
Hurt someone close to you - selalu je bergaduh dgn bros. haha.
Broke someones heart - yahh, unintentionally.
Had you heart broken - berkecai2 jatuh atas jalan raya pastu kne gelek dgn trak. haha ok i juz made tha up.
Wondered what was wrong with you - nope. i'm gud&nice&charming as always.. bahaha.
Wish you were a prince/princess - cool. boleh duduk atas bukit. sn sejuk sikit :P
Liked someone who was taken - ezra is taken. saif ali khan is taken. akhhh it's driving me crazyyyy :P
Shaved your head - nope.
Been in love - xsure jwpn dia haha. love is such a strong word.
Used chopsticks - yah. sucked at it.
Sang in the mirror to yourself - we dun hv much mirrors in the house. biasa dpn dinding or tv pun ok ;]

Flower - gerbera ^^ or any daisy.
Candy - mentos & sugus. kalau mkn xboleh stop.
Song - skarang suka lagu chris brown :]
Scent - strawberry+grape
Color - purple
Movie - 10things i hate abt you.
Singer - a lot. well i like jt, kaer, chris brown, marie digby.. any gud voice.
Word - lolx *is it a WORD?*
Junk food - cip kentang perisa spicy :DD jack&jill, mister potato, wise cottage.. semua delish!
Website - tvliveshows *at the moment*
Lotion - xpkai. tgnku kasar laksana batubata krn xpakai lotion hahaa *btw my fave is the strawberry yogurt* ;]
Animal - cats&kittens.
Ever cried over someone - yahh. kwnku jht. lolx.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - gain more weight so i can bully my bros hehehe
Do you think you're attractive - tak. haha.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - xde kot, semua watak baik fairytale asyik kne dera :P
Do you play any sports - used to play badminton. and in-line sk8. skrg pemalas gleee.

The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.- List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people.
1. i draw EVERYWHERE if i'm bored.
2. dun eat pastry stuff much. jd jgn belanja sy donat. *donuts r trend now, izzit?* hahaha.
3. the only games i used to play in ps/ps2 wr the sims && resident evil :P
4. i walk in a purple 7line slippers most of the time. wearing sneakers on hot days din help.
5. i usually forget whre the hell did i put my stuff.
6. i enjoy reality tvs tho some of us dun. it's my right and my pleasure ;]
7. i photo-snap most of the food tha i ate outside.
8. i dislike screaming kids at the mall. somewhat they'r annoying HAHAHA

8 people I'm tagging:
dats eight, right? hehehe.

ok i'll b posting other things on diff post. :D

Friday, February 15, 2008

tagged survey PART ONE

sy telah ditagged oleh nabil. maka sy akan menjawab survey ni.. ekeke.

[sbb pjg sgt, i'll post it 2parts]

This linky love trail rules:-When you got tagged, you have to add your name to people who had done the tag and and let the list grow!

Those Who Dunnit gundu/Frankensteina/Diyanazman/Najmy/hana ni mo nai/LindoshSlebet/cepoter/hUmmY/dayana/ELLE LIZA/Scarlet Kiss/Nabil//
wani ezryl * @emp street©

First Name - wani [xletak nm betul kat internet haha]
Nickname - wani [apsal sm je? hoho]
Name you wish you had - may be with 'lene' or 'ezryl' in it.
What do people normally mistake your name as - wan? lol
Birthday - june 21st 1984 [silakan beli hadiah :P]
Birthplace - kHell. haha. kl.
Time of Birth - 11.00 a.m. sumthin
Single or taken - singlet. as i always say.. lolx.
Zodiac sign - cancer + gemini [friends said i act mo like a geminian] :P

Your Appearance
How tall are you - short lol
Wish you were taller - sure why not. boleh buli org pulakkk hehee *sbb tu la kot xjd tinggi* :b
Eye color - brownish
Eye color you want - light brown. grey pun oryte. wehh bukan kelabu penyakit mata tu! xP
Natural Hair color - arang black [sape pegang, tgn jd hitam :P]
Current Hair color - black. i'm not a dyer.
Short or long hair - shoulder-length.
Ever dye your hair a b i z a r r e color - tidak pulak :P
Curly,Straight,Wavy - str8 jongkit ke kiri :P
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - gulung dgn kertas, esoknya jd negro gleee hahaha
Glasses or contacts - glasses. xpkai sgt sbb mls :P
Do you wear make-up - nope. makeup utk cover muka huduh ahaha kidding kidding!! :P
Ever had hair extensions - x, tp nmpk lawaaa ^^
Paint your nails - dgn pencil color :P

In the opposite gender
What color eyes - brown lah lawa!! :DD
What color hair - brown brown yeh yeh. (i've things for brown, do i? :P)
Shy or Outgoing - tgh2. xsuka org yg outgoing sgt; either for a girl or boy.
Looks or personality - both? *menjadi tamak seketika.. haha*
Sexy or Cute - cute. sexy is not my thing.. lolx.
Serious or Fun - fun. tp kalau pergi majlis kematian, jgnlah dia bergelak tawa pulak.. haha.
Older or Younger than you - not an issue :P
A turn on - cute, funny & creative.
A turn off - xcute & serious. haha.

This or that
Flowers or Chocolate - chocolate la kot sbb boleh mkn :DD
Pepsi or Coke - i dun like carbonated drinks!
Rap or Rock - both. gud tunes.
Relationship or One night stand - one night stand ahaha jk jk.
School or Work - school la besttt.
Love or Money - both both. $.$ <3
Movies or Music - dua2 sy gila :D
Country or City - city. urban. hehe.
Sunny or Rainy days - hujan. sunny buat org temper (sbb pns sgt kot?) :P
Friends or Family - family. friends no2.

photos for fun :P


lepak sini surfing.

guhh the cables!!

hari tu time diorg lepak dlm bakul ribena :P

bakul itu di tepi katil. *tatabahasa yg jitu AHAHAA*


B I R T H D A Y to fiz. rock on!! xD

Thursday, February 14, 2008

the lovebugs in the fancy restaurant *

so, tday is the v-day.

when i dropped my bro in front of his skool *which is pure car-human-flooded like always*, thre wr a van and a motorcycle in front me. kat motor tu seorang brother menghantar adiknya. well i tot so, until couple of secs later the motor xnk blah2 dr situ & they'r like doing a fast date thre. omg boleh x keluar date lps sekolah.. org nk keluar susah lahhh S-)

i drew sumthin for tday,
and since i cuden find my scanner's cable pastu kalau nk scan kne pergi kat comp lain *mls nk bukak :P*, i juz shot it w/ my phone cam. ok lah tu kn drp xde.. hahaha.

so dun forget to make reservation ;]

*gee i read yesterd's newspaper, apasal harga mknn smpai rm400++ for v-day?? mmg mengambil kesempatan. lolx*

well, happy loveydovey day, everyone.
and i told my brother i wanna sleep tday. heheh.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i need mo money to feed my cat

i dunno why i missed this year's petronas CNY tv ad.
may b cuz i was not thre? (dpn tv) :P
soo thnx to nadia she gave me the youtubeURL and i watched it.
and guess what?
i think they shot my univ's bus stop thre!
i figured out how the trees looked familir to me. lolx.
the univ's bus stops wr some of the prettiest bus stops i'd ever been (i mean d scenery). serious.

ni smlm punya gmbr.
tgkp gmbr smpai bosan. *xbosan lahh. lolx*

the 13th floor.


wall experiment.

i wud love 2hv grey bedroom wall someday.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

sunday songs

to sum up, tday is HOT and DRY *ayt, awal2 da sum up? lol*

so wutz ur fave breakfast? come on, tell me dun hide :P
i bought pulut kuning w/ chicken curry for the 2nd time of the weekend.. as my breakfast.
i dunno whtr i'm gonna buy the same thing 2moro or day after.
may b not, my weekdays breakfast schedule is different.. lolx

sooo wutz up w/ tday apart frm the fact that it's hot & dry? xP

well i finished the 11th eps of prison break, after so much of delaying *thnx to streamyx.. ohok koffkoff kofi annan* they'r escaping!! :DD
and do you noe wut is snuff movie? err i kinda watched quarter part of it tday. i always enjoy gory stuff but this one.. lolx is supergory. the thing tha hindered me frm watching is, of course, slow streaming *yeahh u did well, streamyx.. ohok koffkoff coffin*

andd tday when i flipped tru the newspaper, i saw this :

fashion, guyss. fashion.
i can't imagine if thre's a guy jogs in front of my house wearing tha 'thing' on d left.
the bulu-bulu thing.. acktt it's HOT & DRY here. the shorts, yes. but not the jumper.. ahaha.
and do you know wuts the name of the pants tha d right one was wearing? i dunno, plz tell me. izzit the hotpants for the guys? :P i was already having a nightmare seeing 2guys jogged in tha back in my uni time. wohoo.

juz ignore me, i think the weather eats me.
after all, it's freakin hot and dry.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

i'm calm, i'm calm

since it's holidays, i was 'outside' d house for a night.
i tried to make the photos as simple and as nice as possible ^^

me in pjs.



to sit, or not to sit *sila ajuk Shakespeare* :P

Thursday, February 07, 2008

i only ate fries for dinner

like, my dad's company was offering gifts for the workers and they'd being given options to choose. frm all the things they had, my dad chose the set makan2. w/ the teapot and all? lol.

big box of stuff.

this bowl is huge!

i read my bro's year book.
and i aware that the creativity of this new generation has emerged.
good good.
i always enjoy fun, good comics ;D
(back then, i was the one who distributed all this crap to the skool mag.. lol. miss it loads!!)

now i HV to online frm my BED.
ada org tarik router and all the cables upstairs.
the ethernet cable is freakin short, i am soo worried the connection shuts *cuz the prison break season3 is streaming now?* :P tinggal 1eps je lg weyhh i'm gonna finish this!! sona prison is totally awesome &ruthless!!
er.. not really finishing the entire eps. ni semua sbb mogok penulis, semua eps xsiap lg. duhh.

so, until eps11.
later :D

a new newyear

is it juz me or it really doesn't feel festive at all, tday?
i din hear CNY songs or see flying dragon and stuff.
and festive season's tv ads wr decreasing day by day.
or is it bcuz i din buy tday's newspaper? lol.

happychinesenewyear to ya'll.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

know ur latest trends?

i'm not talking abt myself tday *haha*
thre's this cool thing on internet called Google Trends and u prolly want to check it out.
basically if u wanna noe how certain things being rated; of how popular it is, juz type it and wallah, u'll get it.

say, i wanna noe what's d most popular social site on internet at d mo. fs? myspace? facebook?
turned out myspace is the super popular one :D

they'r also showing the countries graph thingy.. and philippines use fs A LOT.

ok so i wanna try sumthin fun and hot *FUN and HOT?? wahaha*
david beckham and johnny depp.
siapa lg famous?
the graph is almost equal.. but this year, beckham leads :P
(indonesians loove beckham. they'r the no1 country tha heart this soccer player) ;]

ohh how entertaining and informative at d same time.

Monday, February 04, 2008

miskin 50sen *and it rhymes!* :P

it's evening.
i'm this late cuz i went out doing stuff.

pagi td freakin sejuk.
i was wearing socks all the way, lay park on the couch.
din want to move cuz it's ultracold. brr.

stoking sape ntah kne rompak ni :P

i watched this new drama series on 8tv.
it's called Ghost. baru eps1.
kalau x tuka2 chnl smlm mesti xtau bende ni wujud :P
thnx to my superskilled hand xP

i think d series is somewhat cool.
i mean i like cheryl samad in it. & cerita dia pun mcm pelik sket.
a girl helps this ghost-celeb finding his killer. rsnya pembunuh tu mesti kwn baik si zac ni sendiri. (they made the murder appeared to be an accident.. as usual. taktik org jht.. lolx)

so do i want to talk to my favefavefave celeb and let him stay in my house even tho he's a ghost?
*thinking &imagining* :P
well, why not. tho it's kinda eerie :P


cj7 and kungfu dunk.
i really wanna watch cj7. and kungfu dunk was written by one of my fave comic artist. mesti klaka nk mamp. x]]]


k a nk internet break kjp.
enjoy this photo of sumthin tha i did few mins ago. i did it cuz i wanna show it to my friend. but wutdheck, sharing is caring.. so i wud like to share it w/ all of you.. gahaha.
*d real idea is to click the link? LOL*


my 50cent kne telan mesin td.
sy miskin 50cent hari ni T_T

Sunday, February 03, 2008

ayam in the morning cuckoo-king

yesterday thre's toothpaste IN my hair.
like.. how the toothpaste ended up thre? i hv no idea.. lolx.
it kinda made the hair rock hard.
i cud make my own art attack's plaster of paris' hair. xguna. :P

attended a wedding around afternoon in KL.
sy mmg xsuka sesat jln ms nk pergi wedding.
like.. cant they provide GPS in the invitation for all the guests? i mean, for free? haha.
well the theme was ORANGE.
diorg ckp sempena chinese new year.
so yeah, orange tents, orange gifts, buah orange, orange drinks.. all in one :P

on the evening we went to sect9.
haret said he wanna buy clothes.
thre's a niiice giordano shirt, which is thin-striped. falet &i tot it was gorgeous.
stripe is so in thse days.. haha.
tp xbeli pun since haret din like it. *gee, harith* :P

the plaza


si tedi tersepit.. HOHOHA >:]

us, on the escalator.

i bought myself & haret a wallet for each one of us.
mine's old one is already ollllldddddd.
dun hv d picture, tho.

si kecik crawling on my bed.

Friday, February 01, 2008

cuti and it's friday

slmt hari wilayah kpd diri sendiri *mengaku org KL wahaha*
since tday is public holiday, i guess semorg dah berpusu2 beli breakfast pukul 7 pastu semua mknn da nk abes :??
pastu awal2 da bising2 kat luar sbb ada pergaduhan merebut gf. *kucinggg, tolonglah!!*

hari ni sy nk paste this survey i did yesterday.
it's kinda different dan menyesakkan otak. haha. so.. here goes.

male or female?
//what a girl wants.

//assault at precint 13. eh eh wait wait. ahaha :P

describe yourself
//home alone 1 2 3.

what scares you?
//wizard of oz *i actually wanna say.. 'lizard'*

what makes you happy?
//happy tree friends.

how do think most people see you?
//chicken little. lol.

describe your school
//human traffic. (skolah mmg melimpah org. haha)

your friends are...?
//wild at heart? lolx!

name a movie that shares its name with a band or song
//the invisible -invisible man song. ;]

your room is.....?
//just like heaven. (ok i lied :P)

your family is/are.....?
//people i know (phew ada jugak tajuk yg sesuai! ahaha)

your summer is/will be/was...?
//murder party. HAHAHA

your school year is/will be/was...?
//fantastic four.

your favorite thing to do...?
//a walk to remember (maksudnya berjalan2.. haha)

describe an unplesant experience
//the six sense. *gahh serious susah nk fikir tajuk movie oiiit sape yg buat survey niii* :P

to those yg nk buat survey ni, silakan jgn gusar dan segan :P