Thursday, August 31, 2006

i wanna wish everyone HAPPY MERDEKA DAY and happy sem break! hahaha. hahaha again. :b

i celebrated d merdeka countdown with my friends, at our univ. it was sumthin, i tell ya.. haha. sgt happening.

fireworks and flags, cheers and shouts, all the colourful clothes, and feelin proud. proud to be malaysian lah. :]

back: ziha,yana,leenk. front:me,z.
*mouse over for names*

we were in the college's cheer team, and we won! *as a new college, and being under-estimated by d 12th college.. it is sumthin 2b proud of.. lolx* 15th college roxs!

&we ate everything frm the hamper tha we won in d middle of 1-2am, atas jalan, with wind blew nicely. lolx.
p/s: flag boy, boy.. u'r cute. ;]

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