Saturday, May 10, 2008

one long saturday

caution : pictures, pictures and more pictures :PP

nk finish publish post ni mlm ni jugak since esok nk mogok internet hahaha.
td kitorg berempat *mom, me, falet, haret. our dad xikut sbb dia xmo mkn lol* pergi lunch kat crowne plaza hotel. prnh dinnner je kat sni *dinner serius best!*, lunch xpernah lg. so sbb nk habiskan-pkai 2kupon free, kitorg pun pegi :b

kat planters' inn. tmpt ni mmg huge+lawa. xtau pulak bile tgkp gmbr, ada mamat dlm kaunter tu pose dgn semangatnya.. lolx. kat kaunter tu tmpt chef2 buat keje :PP

kitorg duduk tepi tingkap. nmpk a buildings kat luar tu. lawa2. ^^

bdk 2org ni xhenti2 singgah kat tmpt sate.
kesian je chef tu kne bakar byk kali sbb kitorg je yg mkn :P

helo! *wave2* tolg jgn kacau beta nk mkn *smbil sepak kaki photographer ini* :P

my first plate. semua pun best ^^

curi shot pinggan haret jap time dia ambik dessert.

curi shot pinggan falet yg asyik ambik sate dgn ayam tandoori :P

sy nyer ice creams =p~

sbnrnya kitorg mkn berpinggan2 but xde lah nk letak semua gmbr kang korg ingt kitorg monsterous eating machines pulak.. wahaha.

crowne plaza ni dkt gile ok dgn pavilion. so alang2 da kat situ, pegi a kjp pavilion.

not bluffing! :P ni haa bukti kitorg pegi pavilion ekekeh :b

tmpt yg sgt huge pastu ada tangga bsr mcm kat batu caves. mls ah naik tgga ni. naik escalator ke, naik lif ke lg best :PP *pemalas*

overall review, bosan ah pavilion.
may b sbb x explore semua tmpt but then it's so huge tp x happening sgt. bayangkan a hari sabtu camni pun mall ni xflooded mcm klcc. it's huge we din noe where to go and then the map tak tolong apa2 langsung. tnya kat guard pun, dia mcm xbg instruction yg betul. haih.
[sekali lg], i rather go to sect9 shah alam. it's d best place on earth. HAHAHA

yes, we both see you ;]


pastu balik shah alam tu xhabis lg cerita.
kitorg 3stooges *err i mean 3siblings* pegi giant beli-pastu-blah, then diorg nk main bowling kat ole2. so here goes kitorg pegi a main bowling.. nk gelak ok tgk nicknames. mengada2 je kitorg ni :PP

tp my bros xsuka tmpt ni. [sy pun setuju] baling2 asyik ke longkang je, apa kes?!! *salahkan tmpt bowling pulak padahal sendiri main mcm hape :P* ye ah, baling ke tgh, nk dkt smpai kat pin, tibe2 xde ribut xde monyet, bola tu buat immediate turn ke kiri. most of the time sy baling dia camtu! kat spot yg sm! bongok ah lantai laneeeeee *tibe2 lg nk salahkan lantai :P* falet ckp dia xske sbb bola bowling kat sni xbest. hahaha [mmg xbest pon.. okok]

soooo i guess 2moro mls nk on9 pagi2 buta. malas. MALAS!! xP
happy weekend, everyone ;]

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