Wednesday, April 16, 2008

crapping wednesday

huphup :P and for today's special appearance, we hv my bro haret [dats nt really how his name spelt lolx]

name : haret, horrace, juz call him nything he'll get pissed xD

shirts in wardrobe : B&W, &sometimes grey [how dull exciting. <--also talking abt meself hahaha]

hate : revision books [i think ngeheh :P]

love : turn his socks into black by shuffling on the floor.

if he goes out, he'll : go buy ice-blended, go bowling, go buy giordano's, anything non-educational-related >:P

if someone says he's cute, i : i dun get it.

akan jwb random 5 frm these 30 questions. kalau jwb semua, xckup mukasurat blog ni wehh ;]

Say you were given a job as the grim reaper, who would you go after first?
murderers and rapists. kalau hidup pun menyusahkan orang awam je.. hahahaaa [smbil keluarkan sabit grim] :PP

What kind of life do you hope to live, or wish you had lived?
hidup dgn free kat tepi pantai, minum air kelapa smbil lukis2 pokok kelapa [mcm org yg dah bersara lolx]

The best movie is.. Suspense? Comedy? Or horror?
suspense. sbb mula2 lagu riang, pastu tiba2 ada pembunuh kat belakang :]]

If you had 1 million dollars/pounds/currency, what would be you buy first?
a GPS :DD sy org yg suka sesat.

Who's the "finest" celebrity alive?
johnny depp kot. sbb xpernah dgr ada org xsuka dia. semua org suka johnny depp :P


ada sekor kucing baru kat sni. dia mcm gemuk tp ringan &bulu lembut nk mamp.
tp dia gaduh dgn carpet &even biskot yg kecik tu pun xnk ketinggalan :PP
nnti a free tgkp gmbr dia.. hahaha.

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