Wednesday, October 20, 2021

home, where the heart is

assalamualaikum and hi!

 hey! my name is wani, and this is memok (tun teja)

basically, this post today is just about me and our home.

our small, cozy bathroom.

ahhaha i didn't do it on purpose, the fairy lights.
tho i really love warm, fairy lights like this.
the bathroom's light won't turn on and my fairy lights parcel delivery just arrived (i bought 5 boxes! lolx)
so i just used one of em, temporarily.
who knows a bathroom looks so light up with these lights. love them.

pigeons at our neighbourhood.
our neighbours love to feed the birds.

sometimes i went brisk walk outside.
this is one of the view i got to see.
my neighbours love planting too.
(though i hope to see more elegant landscape-ish view, lolx. but yeah, this is not putrajaya :P there are more fruit plants here than the decorative ones. but hey, more oxygens for us!

me, hoping to do more decorative plants setup. lolx
but the left plant on the photo already dried up. the other two,
are still surviving themselves outside.
i mean the weather is too hot now and some of my plants already died (dry). poor them.

this is our home too; hometown. hihi
went meeting mak and families in banting, after no more roadblocks within klang valley, few weeks ago. yay!
mak is still on iddah period (islamic term in mourning), if you guys didn't informed before this, my FIL passed away on 6 july 2021. al-Fatihah.

**and starting 11 october 2021, the roadblocks throughout malaysia are removed too. means balik kampung and holidays for everyone! (with SOPs adherence, of course).

this cute little kiddo is naim haikal. he's my awesome nephew ^^
at home, in shah alam, malaysia.

seems like naim haikal chaired a dining meeting over here :P

andd just a while ago,
after government removed all the road blocks due to COVID-19 pandemic,
my family also came to our home in dengkil:

cousies for lyfe; anaqi, tuah & ariana.. eating. haha

faliq, ain & mama :)

ain, faliq and i.

these three cousins again. lolx

us four.

with my husb, mama, myself,
anaqi, tuah and ariana. happy day!

that's all about our home(s).

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