Sunday, January 01, 2017


happy new year 2017!

alhamdulillah, 2016 had been a good year for me.
most importantly, i'm still standing happy and healthy; two of those things i should be thankful for ^^

mungkin photos tak akan muncul kat blog ni sampailah sy beli phone baru yang decent kot.. hahaha.
so that would be my first aim for 2017; buying an awesome new phone!
anddd don't expect me to have resolutions like ingin kurus, ingin diet etc.
i'm not into that kind of resolutions.
i always bumped into other's dietary resolutions and end up at the end of the year, most of them said they failed to pursue it. so if you put up a resolution on your wall, make sure you are dedicated about it ;)

me? i just wish to live a good life, and become a good person.
that's all.
and my all time motto; live a comfy life.

have a terrific new year!

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