monday madness, guys.
*wave* :P
hari ni someone in the office offered anyone a coupon-like beli 1 tiket prom night, dpt 1 free in TGV. surprisingly no i took it (it's still stuck there on the memoboard.. haha. tempting izzit?) ;]
tp sy da plan nk pergi redeem kupon sy kat GSCCCC and baru last weekend pergi TGVVV (yg parking mcm haram itu. lolx) so hoping someone else will take the coupon, kalau x waste je la kn haha.
[erased. lolx]
u should try first!
go on, it wont cost u a thing!
hopefully u will get the position. then baru pk ape nak buat *haha*
sini arini monday public holiday...yariba yaribaaaaa...
diyana^hoho ntah2 orang tu da xnak call kite balik xP
riken^yaribba hols hols! *lompat2 sekali* knp isnin cuti? keputeraan putera raja ke? xD
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