aiyayai. petang jumaat ni mengantoxxx *angin lalu, menyepak muka* :P
lagi 2 hari father's day, tapi ape pon xbeli T_T (kad je ada. boo hoo wani. u disgrace daughter!)
xtau nak beli apa for the dad.
nanti beliau xpakai ok.
for instance, bekas cd bentuk tin yang sy beli last year (for birthday or father's day, dun remember :P <--disgrace twice) :b berabok.
tempat pegang handphone elastik. hiasan di atas dressing table. berabok.
ok lampu je la kot yang digunakan.
..digunakan oleh adik sy. lolx. skang tak guna. berabok.
so how?
i dun quite have lotsa money to buy him expensive flying thing. or electromagnetic midget thingyyy. or or an invisible watch. hm.
well well.
beli tie ok x?
adohh bosannya tie.
korang beli apa, huh?
a card seems nice wut? remember..its the thought dat counts.. :)
year right..for man la kan, hadiah nie xpenting pun, kalu leh ckp i love you, dad pun cukup. hehhe
masakkan die lauk sedappp! -khalil
ofleza rensco^yuppie agree x] tp still nak beli hadiah, like previous years xD (seronok tengok muka orang bukak wrappers; happy and excited) :]
zainal^eh baru hari tu i said i sayang my abah hahaha. after he bought me satay, of course yahhaha :P
khalil^my family has weird taste of eating. tak tertanding nak masak untuk diorang.. hahaa :P
aik, aku xprasan plak since bile blog ko ada comment kt bawah dia...
harini br prasan.. haha :P
bguih2.. senang skit aku nk komen bdasarkan topik cmni :)
blankqo^ohoho xpe, nanti later2 ko komen la ratus2 ok! ;]
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