jadi silakan tutup mata & lari jauh-jauh kalau skang ni waktu siang! lolx
now up to last 2 days' break fast meal
(sebab semalam pun makan di luar dengan kawan-kawan, 2 hari lepas tapau & makan di rumah):
was busy as hell today.
i wonder why people stepping out when you need them the most.
i wonder why they leave the things uncompleted.. and let us; only us, fixing em.
i wonder why some people don't take things seriously and only rely at some particular people to do the work.
why why whyyyyy
and sometimes i did wonder
why this person acting like this, and that
i have no explanation
i am in deep confusion
was busy as hell today.
i wonder why people stepping out when you need them the most.
i wonder why they leave the things uncompleted.. and let us; only us, fixing em.
i wonder why some people don't take things seriously and only rely at some particular people to do the work.
why why whyyyyy
and sometimes i did wonder
why this person acting like this, and that
i have no explanation
i am in deep confusion
sabar ek..hidup tanpa dugaan bukan hidup namanya..start ur day wif big smile k..
kejadian orang menghilangkan diri dan tinggalkan kerja mereka mmg selalu berlaku. kdg2 nak marah tak boleh sebab mereka senior. sgt geram!!
oh, kita dah pun berbuka sama2 kan? no more excuses! lolx.
apasal korang kejam? kesian ikan tu. kesian! WWF! tangkap itu worrang!!
nantila, ada masa buka sama2 lagi. huhu.
quoted from ur page:
and sometimes i did wonder
why this person acting like this, and that
i have no explanation
i am in deep confusion
sapa tu? keji gile. mmg keji hamid tu. lolx!
weh, kau memang patut buat show lebih kurang ala-ala jalan-jalan cari makan. gile seswai! ahaks!
pasal org ilang2 tu... semoga ko diberi kekuatan nak layan org bengong itu... eh, aku ingatkan aku je yg rase gitu... huhu...
liza^ thanks, liza. really need that x]
jasrina^ kadang2 xfaham jugak knp ada org yg xkisah lgsung bila tinggalkan kerja. oh ye. sebab ada orang len back-up! grr
isz^ like.. it's only once! lolx. ye2, terlupa, ko terlalu eksklusif utk diajak makan sm.. haha
xlah, org tu xkeji. kite je yg keji. lolx
kaizen^ ni bukan rasa da, ni mmg betul2 berlaku. kite rs mereka akan cop kite pemalas lepas ni kalau kite buat dekk je bila kena back-up sape2.. ahaha. biarkanlah. hantarlah daku pulang ke shah alam. lolx
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