at least for few hours. i think my friends experienced the same thing. haihs.
ok kembali kepada cerita.
xde cerita. haha.
:P no lah, berita terkini adalah.. obama telah menang election hari ni & jadi presiden US yang baru! *nadia, adakah ko sedang berparti sekarang atau tak kisah sama sekali.. lol*
sy rasa sy dah ketinggalan banyak berita sebab tak beli newspaper hari-hari macam dulu.
kat mana sy nak carik kedai jual newspaper kat putrajaya tuuuuu wut the effffff
(okkk dalam library ada newspaper cough2 :PP)
seriously sy tak ada mood la hari ni.
jumpa lain kali. daa.
oh...jarang wani takde mood...
ehem ehem...kat internet pun boleh bace newspaper kan... =P
(but anyway, join the club...saya pun susah nak mengikuti perkembangan semasa melainkan dengar radio time nak pegi/balik keja)
haha shoutout kepada saya tu agak mengejutkan =3 heheh. pastilah tak kisah sama sekali~ XDDD (haha ignoraaant)
no lah. i didn't follow the news, but people spread the news quickly kan. i hope the new American President will do a better job and make the world a better place. ameen.
hope your mood improve =3
erk..diserang bendera jepun kah? haha...akhbar boleh diakses on9 saje..lagi senang dan jimat..haha..=P
hoho, one of those days yer. takper, sekali tgk muka harris senyum mesti wani kembali ceria. =P
mmg biasa terjadi. hilang mood secara tiba2. tak de sebab. aku masih mencari punca kenapa boleh berlaku. hmmmmm...
beli paper kt kedai moses kt kompleks b1
get well soon
gulagula^ xde mood sbb something happened. hee. but biasanya akan lupakan perkara buruk & move on :P ohoo sy jarang bc on9 newspaper ^^
nadia^ yeahx thanx nad :D totally improved tday.. lol. biasalah, perasaan xseronok ni akan muncul kejap je ahaha.
nani^ haha menstrual tak effect apa2 kat sy :P not menstrual lah, ada hal tak seronok berlaku :P
riken^ hoho i cant be bribed with good looking guys when i hv things to think about :PP but thanks me-mentioned pasal harris. haha
misz eyeliner^ ha a, rs sedih tanpa sebab mmg berlaku kat manusia. but this one cuz ada issue timbul. xdapat nk describe more, but there's an issue.
swit@kon^ kedai moses? nama kedai tu moses ek? xD
jon^ haha u mean the mood? it's alright now ^^ thnks.
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