tu la akibatnye letak atas lantai :P
tp yg ni xteruk mcm dlu la, yg dlu tu langsung xnmpk ape. ibarat kene langgar trak :P
yg ni ade la merekah sket *distract gileee nk repair da la mahal 800. xyah repair ah, biar je :P*
there goes my chance to become a scriptwriter.. semua sbb spam mails. gahh.
td main2 speedtest. tgk setakat mn ley taip dgn lajunya hahaha. the best i cud was 73words per minute, without error. korg try ah, siap dpt ranking lg. sy nye ranking ke 15,927 drp 113,964. lolx gile, kn.
td main2 speedtest. tgk setakat mn ley taip dgn lajunya hahaha. the best i cud was 73words per minute, without error. korg try ah, siap dpt ranking lg. sy nye ranking ke 15,927 drp 113,964. lolx gile, kn.
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