and i wud love to wish everyone selamat hari raya aidilfitri!! :D
i'm apologizing for all the wrongthings tha i did; either i planned it *haha this goes to my bros and sape2 yg terlibat* or i did it unintentionally.
despite after i sent it to the shop yesterday.
and hari ni kedai da tutup!! wakh. sadism. :'[
back to our raya thing:
falet sori sbb xtolg cat rumah, dpt tolg belikan je wahhaha.
haret sori sbb asyik tease ko 24/7 cuz u'r really a successful teasing-victim :P
sape2 yg terlibat tu, sori tha i replied short cuz i tot u'r boring :P
awalashaari, sori xhntr kad raya. lolx
kaer pon sm. sori
kereta yg terbabas last wik tu, sori. sape suh speeding :P
naps sori ckp at first xhntr kad tp sbnrnya ada hntr.. hahaa
org jual kebab. sori sbb ckp anda xaci, lebihkan haret drp segi pembelian kebab dgn demand :s
etc :P
utk menghebatkan lg hari raya yg akan dtg ni *ecehh* i found 2 nyzeee images at deviantart. sbnrnya byk lg, tp xsmpt browse semua. i love em both. credits kat sape2 yg buat ni:
sunggoh digital.. and vectorized.. which i like!! ^^
kids playing bunga api at corridor.. which i'm imagining it to my friends d whole time.
wujud rupanya! HAHAHA
i'll blog later. mayb soon.
like my mom said "bukan sape2 nk bukak internet time raya ni and baca blog"
but i will still blog. even on raya. haha.
cuz blogging is fun ;D
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