Thursday, December 21, 2006

reflections - christina aguilera

konon nk smile mcm ezra.. neahh! :P

top 5 best gore movies tha i ever watched:

5. the descent
a group of ladies pegi expedition & bumped with creatures yg mkn org dlm cave. nice one, but d fear comes out late. minit ke-50 baru jumpa creatures.. gehh.

4. saw II
since i dun watch saw & saw III yet.. lolx. bunch of useless people woke up & realize diorg in this house for a game of survival. creative torturing ways. huh.

3. see no evil
1 group of teens/adolescents drp penjara hafta do this charity work; clean an old hotel. rupanya dlm hotel tu ade org gila yg suka bunuh orang &korek mata victims dia. xseram sgt la, but still ok :]

2. hostel
gore-est ever. but not in my top ranking sbb sgt disturbing.. lolx. 3dudes go backpacking to Slovakia to score chicks *hahaha*. then rupanya diorg diset ke situ utk dibunuh+seksa dgn alat2 seksaan yg super xtreme hebat *drill perut, potong ere potong thre* puke.

1. wrong turn
crite orang2 yg slh masuk jln then lalu kat hutan. hutan ni ada 3 retard cannibals.. haha.

then thre'r also jeepers creepers, the hills hv eyes, cabin fever, texas chainsaw of massacre.. byk gile lah. :b

dats all i hv for tday. thank you. ^^

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