Saturday, July 29, 2006

cacat, isn't it?

jgn buang sampah di sni, so diorg threw it di sana *di sebelah sign board* hahaha. they really understand d sign board :b

convocation is starting! went to this ekspotani at bukit ekspo *to get merit.. hahaha* and walking around. it's hot, so d walking is fast :b ada la stalls and stuff, but we're mo interested 2see d animals.. hahaha.

arnab bulat ^^

z said this is anak2 ayam mati bergelimpangan.. ahax :b
no la, they'r alive.. hehe.

2 goats yg pelik.


MORIBAYU said...

misz wani ,
me dah copy paste post nie ke

Menarik 4 me


joe said...

x upm ye? kos ape ek?